Thursday, November 20, 2014

I Stand for Motherhood

Friends, I'm in nursing school on the way to being a nurse, which is so exciting. I love taking care of patients and learning the science behind medications and interventions.


The other day at the hospital, a very young patient was on the floor and I overheard them crying and later saw them being taken across the hall in a little red wagon, IV pole being rolled along behind.

In that instant, I realized something about myself that hit me stronger than most things in my life have.
Although being a nurse is an exciting, challenging, and rewarding profession, there's one thing that I would choose over nursing 10,000 times over.


When I was younger, before I know what I wanted to do, I would respond to the question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" with: "A mom."

And guys, that's still true.

I think it's my own mom's example of steady, level-headed, kind, compassionate, and wise mothering that gives me such a drive to have and raise kids of my own. I cannot wait to have babies and change diapers and mash bananas, buy a lot of Goldfish and Cheerios, potty train, teach them to read and deal with obstinate 7 year-olds, self-conscious 13 year-olds, and stressed out 20 year-olds.

So..Working as a registered nurse? Saving lives? Awesome.

Working as a mother? Creating lives? Indescribable.