Sunday, May 11, 2014

57 Reasons Why My Mom is Freakin' Legit (with #Hashtags)

 My mom.

She's kind of insane.

Insanely cool, that is.

Here is a list of some of the things that I love about my mom. She amazes, inspires, and teaches me constantly. #RoleModel

  1. She had ten kids (no epidurals)
  2. Raised them--#BeastMode #ForLife #MomMode
  3. Homeschooled us--she's crazy
  4. Makes 6 loaves of bread every single week for the past 25 years
  5. Makes huge batches of granola all the time (and it's dang healthy, too)
  6. Makes peanut butter
  7. Knows how to make home made yogurt (weird, but good)
  8. Can sew literally anything
  9. Tried to teach me to sew some things
  10. Stayed patient when I whined, cried, and ripped out the same rows of stitches 5 times 
  11. NEVER EVER EVER got involved with any of her kids' drama. THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM. 
  12. She's seriously the smartest woman I know. She took physics for FUN in college, guys. And her grade? "An A, of course." (In her own words.(: ) I often make fun of elementary ed majors but ya'll, guess what major the smartest woman in the world chose? Elementary ed! And rocked it, of course.
  13. She is not only the smartest woman I know, but she still learns all the time. She's constantly reading all kinds of books on literally everything. (A few great ones she suggested to me: The Happiness Project, Mindset, and Christy)
  14. She was so so so encouraging to me throughout all of my schooling. 
  15. A lot of you guys know how much I want to be a nurse. Guess whose idea that was? She suggested it to me several times before I finally realized that #MotherKnowsBest
  16. She never made anything surface-y a priority. I never ever felt self conscious about my clothes, body, hair, or makeup because she never talked about those things. She didn't talk about beauty a lot, not because she didn't think I was beautiful, but because she knows that there's much more to a person than how they look. 
  17. She's so practical it's crazy. She's seriously no-nonsense and very honest. I HATE being talked down to and when people sugar coat things and guess who has never done that to me? #MyMom. When  women try to be super-sensitive and overly sweet all the time I'm like "WHERE'S MOM WHEN I NEED HER." She gets straight to the point and it's the best ever.
  18. She is so humble!! SO HUMBLE! 
  19. She can dance, guys. You would never guess it but she's got moves. Granted, they're 80s moves but she got 5 stars on Just Dance 4. And looked good doing it.
  20. She's sassy. She would never own up to it ....but where do you think I got my sass from?
  21. She's super funny. 
  22. She taught me to love salad. Especially with great tomatoes.
  23. She made health a priority. Natural health, too. I've never had any prescribed medication. The recommended cure-all for literally anything was: a cold pack, a warm corn bag, garlic, vitamin C, Neosporin, and sometimes Tylenol. I'm very rarely sick and when I am, it lasts a day or two. #Legit
  24. She instilled me with a strong conviction about...basically everything important.
  25. She is a wonderful example of honesty, kindness, passion, hard work, patience, unconditional love, unending selfless
  26. She's a beautiful singer and made me want to sing, too
  27. She never gossips
  28. She made me memorize things when I was young, thus allowing me to discover my talent for it and 
  29. She made me play the piano
  30. Taught me how to clean a house
  31. Taught me how to take care of a baby
  32. Taught me how important family is
  33. Taught me how important the gospel is
  34. Taught me how to cook
  35. Knew exactly how much lenience and how much discipline I needed to feel both trusted and worried about
  36. Taught me how to do laundry
  37. Listens every time I call her to tell her about a test or a roommate or money or advice or boys or recipes or when I'm just feeling bad
  38. Tells me I'm beautiful
  39. Gave me my curls. (:
  40. She's so freaking thrifty. I definitely learned that one from her. #CostcoTrips #BuyItInBulk #PricePerOunce
  41. Taught me to drive. (: That was an adventure...
  42. Encouraged me to go to college and helped me make it there
  43. Provided me with all kinds of wonderful learning experiences that I would never have had without her
  44. Helped me get my first job #HarrisTeeterWin
  45. Taught me how to grocery shop
  46. Gave me a strong appreciation for good ice cream #BreyersVanilla
  47. Gave me a strong appreciation for dairy products in general...yum.
  48. Taught me how to make cheese on toast. And now that I like tomatoes again...#TomatoesOnToast
  49. Taught me how to do the dishes and made me do them. :/
  50. Didn't punish me for being late for curfew...#Thanks
  51. Put up with so many of my tears. For so many dumb dumb things. Geometry comes to mind first...
  52. Never stops working
  53. Never stops teaching
  54. 18 years of free haircuts (She's really good at them)
  55. Never stops loving
  56. Never stops being the wisest person I know
  57. Taught me what matters most

Mom, I love you so much. I miss you a lot, too. I think about you all the time and I love that I can call you and you listen and give advice even when I'm an irrational 18 year old (which is basically all the time). Thanks for being everything that you are. Happy mothers day. (:


  1. I love you, Becca! Although I think you exaggerated a bit on some of those!--Mom

    1. I didn't exaggerate anything! Just accept it. (:

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE. All true. NO exaggerations.

    8-10 made me laugh so hard. Because that was me.
