Monday, May 19, 2014

Confessions of a Non-Partier

College, friends. It's a thing.

Movies, books, media; society in general presents college as kind of a non-stop party. Drinking, dancing, flirting, kissing, fraternities, sororities, getting busted by the cops, having dramatic and romantic adventures. Pretty awesome.

Of course, here at BYU-Idaho, the number of students who get THAT crazy is significantly lower than at a non-church school. It still happens, but on a much smaller (and more discreet) scale.

Then there are the people who go out every single Friday and Saturday night. Whether it's to a bonfire, some off-campus party, dancing, etc.-- nothing against the rules--just always SOMEthing. 

LDS Humor Funny Mormon Meme Youth  (36)

And then there's me.

Photo: Feeling like a prisoner to schoolwork right now

#Bio #CardiovascularSystem #Hematopoiesis

I used to have a problem with this, think something was wrong with me: I should be 'out'! Partying! Having soo much fun!

Then I realized a very important thing about myself.

I'm not a partier. 

I love having fun, laughing, eating (yesssss), being with friends, playing games, going places, etc., but I don't like being in a big group that I don't really know, trying ineptly to flirt with some guy I just met or impress a bunch of people I'll never see again. I'm not going to go into the 'show-off circle' at a dance or do something crazy all in the name of 'living a little'. 
I have the most fun doing something relaxed like playing games or cooking brownies or buying pizza (food is happiness).

Photo: You're welcome.
(I just wanted an excuse to put this ^ in a blog.)

I've chosen to stop making comments like "I don't have a life" "I never do anything fun" "I'm boring". That kind of comment is negative and only serves to reinforce the idea that the only way to be 'cool' is to be and act a certain way. Friends, that idea isn't true. 

Just because you do homework on a Saturday night (like I do), or don't have the sweetest dance moves (or any dance moves), or just wanna curl up with a pan of brownies and watch some (a lot of) Netflix after a long, stressful school week does not mean that you're a social weirdo. It means that we can do those "boring" things together, if you want company.

Moral of the story: Know thyself. And to thine own self to be true. And eat pizza and brownies, bros. Because...Yumminess. And hey--WE [most of us, at least] ARE IN COLLEGE TO LEARN. So yeah, do your homework every freaking night of the week.